Meeting LaVell Edwards!

As we headed out the locker room doors to the practice field, we couldn't believe who was standing right in front of us! It was none other than LaVell Edwards. By sheer luck, he happened to be there that day to watch practice. Several members of the staff told us later what an extremely rare occurrence this was. He came right over to Evan, and said, "You must be Thursday's Hero." He talked with Evan as well as our family and friends for quite a while. He was so great! Meeting him was a huge, huge thrill!

He was also kind enough to sign Ryan's BYU T-Shirt.

I'm thinking this would make a great Christmas Card Photo - "Merry Christmas from Evan, Margot, Ryan, Lindsay, and LaVell!" (Notice that Lindsay is giving us her "very scary" BYU Cougar growl, with claws and teeth.)

Eventually, we did actually watch the team practice.