February 7, 2008
February Update
Dear Family and Friends,
We had our monthly appointment with Evan’s Oncologist earlier this week, so I thought it would be a good time to send out an update. Overall, Evan is doing well. He didn’t have any new side effects on the higher dose of chemo during this last month, so that was great! We’ve noticed some gradual improvement with the swelling in his face and stomach, so we hope that continues. And the most exciting news is that Evan’s hair is finally starting to grow back in the areas where he received radiation (yeah!!!). He happily stopped shaving his head about two weeks ago, and is really looking forward to losing the “bald look.”
On the downside - although Evan has been off the steroid for more than a month now, he’s still dealing with many of its stubborn side-effects. The arthritis-like symptoms are still a big issue. Evan’s joints and muscles are continually stiff and sore. It makes physical therapy, as well as normal activities, difficult and sometimes painful. The doctor says this will eventually go away, but it might take a few more months.
Evan’s eye is still a problem as well. We met with the retina specialist again recently and even though Evan hasn’t noticed any improvement himself, the doctor said it looks much better than it did a month ago. So at least it’s headed in the right direction, but again it will probably take another month or two to heal completely. It’s always a waiting game!
Something else we are waiting anxiously for is Evan’s next MRI. He started his third cycle of chemotherapy this week and the next MRI will be at the end of this cycle. It’s scheduled for the morning of March 3rd. Later that afternoon, we’ll meet with the Oncologist and Radiation Oncologist to discuss the results. What we would love to hear is that the tumor has been reduced enough that Evan would qualify for one of the radiation surgeries that are out there. We know it’s a lot to hope for, but we also know that if it fits into God’s plan for us, then anything is possible.
As always, we express our deepest thanks for the many thoughts and prayers you continually send our way. I don’t know how we would make it through this experience if we weren’t surrounded by so much love and support. Thanks again!!!
February Update